
Invitation links allow you to refer applicants to complete the Suited assessment.

You can share invitation links with applicants anywhere you can embed a URL, such as in an email or within a job postings on your ATS.

Any candidates that are referred using an invitation link are exclusively visible to your firm and linked to your account.

<aside> 💡 Candidates who are referred to Suited by another firm will not have to complete two assessments or profiles. Rather, their profile will be linked to all firms who send them an invitation and scored against each firm's unique hiring model.


Creating invitation links

  1. In the recruiter app, navigate to the Invitation Links tab.
  2. Click + Create a Link and name your referral link.
  3. Copy the URL to your clipboard by clicking the 🔗 icon button on the resulting list item.
  4. Paste the link where you want.

<aside> 💡 Link names are only visible internally for your own organizational purposes. You may rename a link at any time by clicking the ✏️ button next to the name.


Create Invitation Link.gif

Archiving and deleting links

If you no longer want an invitation link to be active, you may archive the link which prevents any candidates from signing up through the link.

To archive the link, from the Invitation Links tab, click the archive button 🗃️ next to the copy link button.

To unarchive the link, navigate to the Archived Links subtab and click the unarchive button.

You may also permanently delete the invitation link from the Archived Links page.

What to tell candidates about Suited

When inviting applicants to the Suited platform, it will help to provide context around what Suited is and what our partnership aims to accomplish.